Uninstall bluestacks
Uninstall bluestacks

uninstall bluestacks

Select Uninstall to start the process. Uninstall button is on the top-right side of the screen below the name of the app.Swipe the screen to get into the ‘Downloaded’ category and select the app you wish to uninstall. Select the app which you want to uninstall from the ‘Downloaded’ category. When you select ‘Apps’ from the menu, a window is opened which sorts the apps on the basis of downloaded apps, running apps and apps which are stored in the SD card.

uninstall bluestacks

I've uninstalled et re-installed bluestack 4 times hoping it would solve the issue, but no success. And there is no uninstaller for bluestack 5 in the folder.


  • Select Apps from the Advanced Settings menu. This option comes under the ‘Device’ subsection of the menu. And whenever I try to install it, it doesn't install bluestack 5, only the launcher.
  • When the app scan is done, click the View button to enter the app uninstaller window. Step 2 Scan apps As long as you click the Scan button, the BlueStacks uninstaller will scan your drive and look for all apps removable.


  • Select Advanced Settings from the menu. Select Advanced Settings (wrench icon similar to that of BlueStacks Settings) from the bottom of the menu to open the Android settings. To delete BlueStaccks on Mac, click on the Toolkit button, and choose the Uninstall tool to move on.
  • Open BlueStacks Settings. Open the app drawer and select BlueStacks Settings (wrench icon) to open the settings menu.
  • Also, a pop-up balloon appears on the task bar informing that the app has been uninstalled.
  • Wait till a horizontal red line appears striking the app name. As soon as the app is uninstalled, a red horizontal line appears on the name of the app indicating that the app has successfully uninstalled.
  • A pop-up box will appear asking you to confirm your decision to uninstall the app.
  • Select the Delete option (trash icon) to uninstall the application. Select the trash icon on the row of the app you wish to uninstall.
  • Delete apps: Selecting this option will initiate the uninstalling procedure of the app.
  • Select one of them to change the app size. Today we have numerous platforms to emulate and simulate other operating systems or to be able to run applications (especially games) of mobile systems on. App size differ on the basis of tablet or default BlueStacks application.
  • Choose App Size: App size can be re sized through this option.
  • Select Manage Applications to see the installed apps. The menu will display all the installed apps and allows you to:.
  • Select BlueStacks Settings (wrench icon) to open the settings menu.
  • Open BlueStacks Settings. Select All Apps from the top-right side of the screen to open the App Drawer.
  • Start BlueStacks. Open any app from the apps folder in the Library or using the icon to start BlueStacks.

    Uninstall bluestacks