Becoming extremely involved in a good book or movie is somewhat rare for me.*ġ3. I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective.ġ2. I sometimes feel helpless when I am in the middle of a very emotional situation.ġ1. When I see someone being taken advantage of, I feel kind of protective towards them.ġ0. I try to look at everybody's side of a disagreement before I make a decision.ĩ. I am usually objective when I watch a movie or play, and I don't often get completely caught up in it.*Ĩ. In emergency situations, I feel apprehensive and ill-at-ease.ħ. I really get involved with the feelings of the characters in a novel.Ħ. Sometimes I don't feel very sorry for other people when they are having problems.*ĥ. I sometimes find it difficult to see things from the "other guy's" point of view.*Ĥ. I often have tender, concerned feelings for people less fortunate than me.ģ. I daydream and fantasize, with some regularity, about things that might happen to me.Ģ. Please indicate how well each statement describes you according to the following scale:ġ. R EAD EACH ITEM CAREFULLY BEFORE RESPONDING. The following statements inquire about your thoughts and feelings in a variety of situations. READ EACH ITEM CAREFULLY BEFORE RESPONDING. When you have decided on your answer, fill in the letter on the answer sheet next to the item number. For each item, indicate how well it describes you by choosing the appropriate letter on the scale at the top of the page: A, B, C, D, or E.

The heterogeneity of empathy and the unclear differentiation between cognitive and emotional aspects might be a source for the unclear differentiation of scales.The following statements inquire about your thoughts and feelings in a variety of situations. Results support the factorial validity of the German SPF-IRI. Mean differences were due to real differences on latent variables and not a result of measurement bias. No significant differences were found for perspective taking. Women scored higher on fantasy, empathic concern, and personal distress. Differences for latent means were evident. Strict MI (invariant factor loadings, intercepts, residuals) could be established, and variances and covariances were also equal. Measurement invariance (MI) across gender groups was tested using ESEM in the combined sample. Substantial cross-loadings were evident in ESEM. Across two subsamples ESEM outperformed CFA. Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) and Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM) were used to test the theoretically predicted four-factor model. The present research investigates the factorial validity of the German adaptation of the IRI, the "Saarbrücker Persönlichkeitsfragebogen SPF-IRI". The Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) is the most widely used measure of empathy, but its factorial validity has been questioned.